From the 23rd May 2021 our church is open for Sunday Worship from 11.00am albeit with some restrictions still in place.
Pre-booking is no longer required but it is necessary to WEAR A MASK
We are slowly introducing hymn singing but you are requested to wear a mask whilst singing.
Social distancing restrictions are still in place to protect those who are vulnerable.
If you are still not able to attend our face-to-face services there is a link below to Sunday Services which will allow you to worship together virtually.
Bamford Chapel and Norden URC are doing a live service each Sunday.
To open the link – Click the button below and scroll to the bottom of the page:
The services will appear on the page on the day they are transmitted and will be available to watch at a time convenient to you.
The URC have Daily Devotions which are still available on our webpage in the menus under ‘Church Life’, URC Daily Devotions’